
We recognize humanity as image bearers of God, seeing people through God’s eyes, and strive to alleviate suffering and bring hope. We help people regardless of ethnicity, nationality, creed, or origin, striving only to help wherever it is needed.

Neutral and independent

We do not have or promote opinions on outside issues of politics, governance, ethnic or historical tensions. We operate independently of governmental and denominational programs. We are neutral and independent so as to not be assumed to be aligning with sides or promoting particular causes.

Consider the context and the culture

We recognize that both culture and local context play an important role in determining how projects and programs are decided on, prioritized, designed, implemented, and considered successful.

Support the Church in caring for the community

We work with churches and parachurch ministries that clearly reflect biblical values so that the Church remains a key witness in the community.

Push the fulcrum to move mountains

We recognize the way to move mountains is with a lever, and we push the fulcrum to move mountains in people’s lives, both to relieve immediate needs and to emphasize sustainable development.

Real change comes from relationship with God and renewing that broken relationship

We know that fallen humanity is renewed only through reconciliation with God, and that programs on earth will address only so much brokenness. Therefore, we endeavor that our work also aims to build the kingdom of God, the true source of lasting change.