Honduras was Douglas’ first exposure to mission work, and was the site to capture his heart for how to use his skills and passion for the kingdom of God. One of the most impactful moments for him was at a visit the local dump. Many families lived around the dump, collecting trash to find anything of resell value. Even the children are involved in the work, and often do not attend school. One their first visit to the dump, some shy girls emerged from their hiding places at the dump when they saw the trusted car of the missionary that they knew so well. Douglas’ heart was forever changed when he saw the smiles on their faces. Douglas and Leslie completed multiple projects with Heaven’s Reach Ministries located in La Esperanza, Honduras, utilizing multiple skills.

Meeting the girls in the dump for the first time

Leslie helped design a nutrition course to be taught at the women’s center at the hospital. Women often wait in a hostel-like accommodation center at the hospital up to two weeks before giving birth, as the journey to the hospital is too far to start when they are already in labor. They arrive early and wait for labor to begin. In the meantime, it is a great teaching opportunity to cover multiple health topics. Nutrition was one of the health topics, tailored to the needs of the women in the community.

Douglas helped implement four different aquaponics systems in La Esperanza. Some of the systems were used as teaching aids for the community, while others were for directly feeding a local community, such as the women at the hospital.

Douglas also supported the efforts of the farm that the ministry has, which produces crops to help support ministry expenses. He helped build housing quarters on site, as well as prepare the equipment and land for planting. He also helped with various repair projects around the office, clinic, and other ministry sites that needed his construction skills.